Within these pages you will find a plethora of demons to bring to your table! From the lowly manes to the Queen of Demons, Agrat, you will find faces old and new! Within these pages you will find Orcus and Abraxas, Pazuzu and Lamashtu and many more! You will get statistics for all demons and Demon Lords along with lore to accompany them, giving brief histories and rulerships that will tie them to the entries in Devilry and Angelology! Additionally you will get spells that priests and cultists of the rules of The Pit gain! You will also find the oft overlooked ability of demons to possess mortals!What are you waiting for? Open this book and unleash the hordes of Chaos from The Pit into your campaign!
The Team:
Writing, design, layout: R.J. Thompson
Editing: Robbi Groves
Front and back cover art: Jacob Blackmon
Cover design: R.J. Thompson